
Saturday, March 28, 2009

State government and central government should protect our right: Biraj Adhikari

Gangtok,28 March(Press release):The party held its public meeting at Rhenock on Haat Day today. The meeting was addressed by the president Shri Biraj Adhikari, The working president Shri Tseten D. Lepcha , Treasurer Shri Delay Namgyal, Youth Convener Shri Cheong Bhutia and the General Secretary Shri Tikendra Sharma.

The president in his speech stressed on the fact that the party stands by its demand that if the state government and the Central government do not protect article 371f, then the party stands firm on its demand of reversal to the 35th amendment and grant of associate state status. He also lamented the fact that the existence of the article in the constitution in the present state is an insult to the Sikkimese people who are being fooled about protection which does not exist in reality and the letter and spirit. He also elaborated on the fact that the present rate of influx is damaging the future of the coming generations and at present the state of our youth has detiorated beyond repair. The president also talked about the party manifesto and elaborated the sad condition of our education system and how our younger generation has basically become directionless because of this.

Shri Delay Kazi explained why it was necessary to open SNPP, as the Sikkimese people had lost their identity and their right to self determination. He explained that while all the protection put into the constitution was to ensure that our identity is preserved, but unfortunately our own Governments have been violating it continuously.
Shri Tseten Lepcha also addressed the meeting where he explained the reasons for the party’s stand regarding the continuation of central service officers and said that now our own children are ready to take up these jobs and we do not need them any more.

EVM familiarization, mock poll conducted by Election dept for political parties

GANGTOK, March 28: State Election department today conducted a State level EVM familiarization programme and a mock poll for the recognized and registered political parties of the State here at Chintan Bhavan.

“The familiarization programme and mock poll are being conducted so that the political parties are comfortable wit the EVMs”, said Chief Electoral Officer TT Dorji at the outset of the programme.

The daylong programme was conducted to familiarize the candidates and members of the political parties on the preparation and use of EVMs during the elections.
Representatives from Sikkim Democratic Front, Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee, BJP, CPIM, Nationalist Congress Party and Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad attended the programme.

“After the EVM demonstration exercise is complete, we will also conduct an interactive session today in the second part. The political parties can clear doubts over nomination process and other aspects of the electoral processes”, said Mr. Dorji. He informed that all the EVMs in the State have been tested and certified.

“The second testing will be conducted after the final list of candidates is done and we will invite all the candidates or send their representatives to witness the testing. After this, the EVMs will be transferred to strong rooms with guards where the political parties can also send their representatives”, said Mr. Dorji.

After the initial briefing, joint CEO CP Dhakal gave an elaborate live demonstration on the preparations and use of EVMs during voting. He informed that the EVMs had been earlier used during the 2004 Assembly-Parliamentary elections and 2007 Panchayat elections.

Detailing the elaborate fool proof security measures of the EVMs where checking is conducted at several levels, Mr. Dhakal said that even the polling officers will have to certify the EVMs.

“Voting on April 30 will begin from 7 am and conclude at 4 am. The booth level agents of the political parties will have to be present at their respective booths before 7 am and only ten minutes will be given after this”, said Mr. Dhakal. The booth level agent must be a local of that particular polling booth area, he said.

The joint CEO also informed that passports, driver’s license and other identity cards can be allowed to use if the voter does not have an electoral voter identity card.
On the sidelines of the programme, Mr. Dhakal told Media that the State election department has completed 80 percent of its preparations for the upcoming Assembly and Lok Sabha elections in Sikkim.
“As far as preparations for the forthcoming elections in Sikkim are concerned, we have completed 80 percent of works”, said Mr. Dhakal.

Sikkim goes to polls on April 3. Elections for the 32 Assembly seats and lone Lok Sabha seat in the State will be held simultaneously on this day.
The department also said that it is examining complaints regarding violation of code of conduct from various political parties.
We have received around 10 complaints and most of them have been reported to the Election Commission of India, said DK Pradhan, additional secretary of the department

Sunday, March 22, 2009

यसपालीको चुनाउमा छाताको करङ होइन जनताले डण्ठी नै फेर्ने छनः भण्डारी

गान्तोक,22 मार्च। सिक्किम प्रदेश कंग्रेसका अध्यक्ष तथा पूर्व मुख्यमन्त्री नरबहादुर भण्डारीले आफ्नो निर्वाचन क्षेत्र सिङ्गताम-खाम्दोङमा पहिलो चुनावी जनसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै आगामी विधानसभा चुनाउमा सिक्किममा अनि लोकसभा चुनाउमा दिल्लीमा कंग्रेसको सरकार बनिने ठोकुवा गर्दै जनतालाई कंग्रेसको सरकार आएमा हुने फाइदा र योजनाहरूको विस्तृत जानकारी दिए।

सिङ्गताम खाम्दोङ निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको सुमिक आरीटारमा आइतबार आयोजित जनसभामा भण्डारीले अपार जनसमुहलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै भने,हामीले जनताले रोजेका प्रतिनिधिलाई टिकट दिएर जनताको काम गराउन चुनाउमा खडा गराएका छौ। यसपालीको चुनाउले विगत 15 वर्षदेखि एसडीएफ सरकारको तानाशाहामा पेलिएका सिक्किमे जनताले कंग्रेसको जनमुखी सरकार गठन पछि छुट्कारा पाउनेछन्।

उनले चुनावी मिठासले भरिएका पार्टीका रणनीति जनतासमक्ष राख्दै विकास र साहुलिय़तका पोका खोले। भण्डारीले आगामी सरकार कुनै पनि अवस्थामा कंग्रेसको हुने जनतामा विश्वास दिलाउदै कंग्रेसको सरकारमा गरीब जनतालाई 3 रूपियाँ किलो चामल, घर-घरमा ऱङ्गीन टेलिभिजन, गाँउलेहरूलाई बिजुली र पानी निःशुल्क, स्नातकतह सम्मको शिक्षा तथा स्वास्थ्य उपचार निशुल्क गरिने घोषणा गरे।

यसका साथै वर्तमान एसडीएफ सरकारले पर्यावरण बचाउने उद्देश्यले सिक्किमको वन जङ्गलहरूलमा पशु चरणमाथिको पाबन्दी,वनविभागको जमीनमा बस्ने जनतालाई उनीहरूको घडेरी सुनिश्चित गर्ने, राज्यभरि कुनै रोड परमिट र शुल्क विना नै वहानहरू चलाचल गर्ने सुविधा आदिको घोषणा जनता समक्ष गरे।

राज्यको वर्तमान सरकारले वर्ष 2006मा सरकारी कर्मचारीहरूको वेतन वृद्धि भएर पनि अहिले सम्म वेतनआयोग राखेर पैसा भुक्तान गर्ने नसकेको आरोप लगाउँदै उनले सरकारी कर्मचारीहरूको हितमा कंग्रेस सरकार गठन हुने दावी गरे। उनले भने साना ओहोदामा रहेका कर्मचारीहरूको पदोन्नती हुँदैन तर हाम्रो सरकारमा तलबमा उन्नती गर्छौ। होमगार्डले पनि हाम्रो सरकारमा सात हजार रूपियाँ तलब पाउने छ।

वेरोजगार समस्या समाधानको निम्ति पनि सरकारले नीति बनाएको बताउँदै भण्डारीले सरकार गठन भएको एक वर्षमा 10 हजार बेरोजगारहरूलाई नोकरी प्रदान गर्ने तथा पाँच वर्षभित्रमा राज्यबाट बोरेदगार मुक्त पार्ने जनताको अघि सङ्कल्प गरे।यसका साथै सरकारले घर-घरमा सर्वेक्षण गरेर नोकरी नभएको घरमा छानेर नोकरी प्रदान गर्ने बताए।

एसडीएफ सरकारमा तयार पारिएक प्रोफेसर बी के रोयबर्मन आयोगको प्रतिवेदन अब काम नलाग्ने बताउँदै भण्डारीले भने सिक्किमे जनता आयोगको प्रतिवेदन काम लाग्छ अब दिल्लीमा गएर अस्ति त्यो रोय बर्मनको प्रतिवेदन सकिदिएका छौ अब चल्दैन,यसको कुरा नगरे हुन्छ। यसै गरी राज्यको विधान सभामा सिक्किमे भोटे लाप्चेको निम्ति आरक्षीत 13 वटा आसन कुनै हालतमा नमेटिने बताउँदै उनले भने, सिक्किममा भण्डारी भएसम्म कसैले भोटे-लाप्चेको 13वटा आसन खोस्न पाँउदैन, भारतको सर्वोच्च न्यायालयमा लडेर हामीले ल्याएको आसनमा कसैको केही चल्दैन।

यसका साथै केही दिन अघि मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङले आफ्नो चिन्ह छाताको करङ स्वरूप रहेका विधायक र मन्त्रीहरू यसपालीको चुनाउमा जनताले परिवर्तन गर्ने माग गरेको बताउँदै छाताको डण्ठी राम्रै छ करङ फेर्ने मन्तव्य दिएका थिए। उनको उक्त मन्तव्यलाई भण्डारीले भने, जनताले एसडीएफको छाताको करङ होइन डण्ठी नै फेर्ने विचार गरीसकेका छन्। यसपाली छाताको डण्ठी र करङ केही रहदैन।

एसएनपीपीको सरकार आएपछि 32वटै समष्टिबाट आर्थीक शरणार्थीहरूलाई लखेट्ने छौः बिराज

गान्तोक,22 मार्च। सिक्किमको माटो र यसका निवासी सिक्किमेलाई कसैले हेप्न पाउँदैन। सिक्किमको हरेक काम कुरामा सिक्किमेलाई पहिले प्राथमिकता दिनु पर्छ। हामी सिक्किमे देश दिने मान्छे हो कसैसित डराउने काम छैन। हामीले आफ्नो निम्ति गर्व गर्नु पर्ने समय आएको छ। यदि हामीले सिक्किमको हरेक कुरामा स्वाभिमान र गर्व गर्न सकेनौ भने मास्सिएर जानेछौं ।

हामीलाई कसैले भारतीय हुन सिकाउनु पर्दैन, देश दिएर भारतमा गएका हौं हाम्रो सुरक्षाको निम्ति भारत सरकारले के गर्यो सिक्किमको छोरोले देशलाई प्रश्न गर्ने दिए आएको छ। यसप्रकारको मन्तव्य सिक्किमलाई सम्बद्ध राज्यको दर्जा दिनु पर्ने माग गर्दै गठी सिक्किम नेशनल पिपल्स पार्टी (एसएनपीपी)-का अध्यक्ष बिराज आधिकारीले व्यक्त गरेका हुन्।

आइतबार सिंगतामामा आयोजित एसएनपीपीको आत्मा अवलोकन अभियानको दोस्रो जनसभामा उनले सिक्किम भारतमा विलय हुन अगाडी 1973 मा सिक्किमलाई राज शासनको एकतन्त्री राज, भोटे-लाप्चे र नेपालीको राजनैतिक अधिकारबाट प्यारेटी पद्धति हाटाउन र प्रजातन्त्र स्थापित गर्ने जनक्रान्ति भएको अनि भारतको 22औं अङ्गको रूपमा अन्तरभुक्त भएको बताउँदै भारतको अङ्ग भएको 35 वर्ष बितिसक्दा पनि जनताले आन्दोलन गरेर चाहेको प्रजातन्त्र र राजनैतिक अधिकार तथा बहुसङ्ख्यक नेपालीले विधान सभामा आसन आरक्षीत पाउन नसक्नुले सिक्किमे मूलका नागरिकहरूको अस्तित्व सङ्कटमा रहेको दावी गरे।

सिक्किममा राज्य सरकार सञ्चालनमा पुगेका हरेक पार्टीले केवल व्याक्तिगत स्वार्थको निम्तिमात्र कार्य गर्ने गरेको कारण आज आएर सिक्किमको हरेक थोक गैरसिक्किमेको हातमा गइसकेको अधिकारीले बताए। उनले सिक्किममा रहेको पुराना कानुनको सुरक्षा गर्ने प्रावधान रहेको संविधानका धारा 371 एफलाई बारम्बार व्याक्तिगत स्वार्थको निम्ति तोड्ने कार्य भएको बताउदै उनले भने।, एसएनपीपीले 371 एफको सुरक्षा गर्नु पर्छ भनेर बारम्बार भने पछि अहिले सबैले यसको विषयमा बोल्न थालेको छ। तर हाम्रो पार्टीले सप्रमाण 184 पल्ट यो धारा उलङ्घन भएको जानकारी दिएको छ।

आगामी चुनाउबारे पार्टीले कुनै भोटमाग्ने प्रक्रिया लिएर यसप्रकारको जनसभा नडाकेको तर पहिले सिक्किमको हित र सिक्किमको सुरक्षा गरेर मात्र एसएनपीपीले चुनाउमा जाने फसेला गरेको उनले बताए। अधिकारीले भने पहिले सिक्किमको सुरक्षा त बलियो बनाउँ त्यसपछि भोट मागौला हामी यसपालीको चुनाउ भन्दा पन्ध्र दिन पहिले मात्र जनतामा गएर भोट माग्छौ, हामीलाई जित्नु र हार्नुसित कुनै मतलब छैन तर सिक्किमेको अधिकार अरूले खोस्छ भने हामी चुप लाग्दैनौं।

उनले भारत सरकार र वर्तमान एसडीएफ सरकारलाई पनि चेतावनी दिँदै भने हामीले हाम्रो देश दिएर भारतीय भयौं तर सबै भारतीय जस्तो सिक्किमे होइन हाम्रो विशेषता अर्कै छ। हामीले सिक्किम भारतमा विलय गराउदा बिहारको जिल्ला बनाउनु र बङ्गलादेशी , नेपाली र भोटाङको आर्थीक शरणार्थी पाल्ने उद्देश्य राखेका थिएनौं। भारत सरकारले जवाफ दिनु पर्छ सिक्किमको सुरक्षा गर्न सक्दैन भने संविधानको 35औं संसोधन अन्तर्गत सिक्किमलाई सम्बद्ध राज्यको दर्जा दिनुपर्छ।

राज्यमा भित्रिएका विभिन्न निजी कम्पनीहरूले स्थानीयहरूलाई कुनै प्राथमिकता नदिएको आरोप लगाउँदै सिक्किमा व्यापकरूपमा निर्माण भएका तथा निर्माणाधिक जलविद्युत परियोजनाहरूले सिक्किमको अस्तित्व समाप्त पार्न लागेको बताए। उनले भने तिस्ता नदी हाम्रो गंगा हो भारतलाई देश दिएर हाम्रो विश्वासको गङ्गा सुकाउने अधिकार कसले दियो यदि हाम्रो सरकार आएको खण्डमा सबै जलविद्युत परियोजनाहरूमा बलास्टीङ लगाएर भत्काईदिनेछौ।

यसै गरी उनले उत्तर जिल्लाको जङ्गुमा प्रस्तावित पनाङ परियोजनाको विरोध गर्ने आन्दोलनकारीहरूलाई सरकारले कुनै पत्तो नदिएको तथा सिक्किमको सबैभन्दा सोझा जाति लेप्चाहरूको बासभूमी र सिक्किमको आत्मा मानिने जङ्गुमा 6 हजार लेप्चाहरूको भूमीमा 12 हजार गैर सिक्किमे मजदुरहरू भित्र्याएर लेप्चा संस्कृति र परम्पराको विनाश गर्ने राज्य अनि केन्द्र सरकारले षड्यन्त्र गरेको आरोप लगाए। यसका साथै एसएनपीपीको सरकार गठन भएपछि सिक्किमको 32 वटै निर्वाचन क्षेत्रबाट गैर सिक्किमे व्यापारी र आर्थीक शरणार्थीहरूलाई खेदुवा लगाउने बिराज अधिकारीले जनताको सामु प्रण गरे।

यसै गरी पार्टीका कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष छितेन दोर्जी लेप्चाले आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा राज्यमा बड्दो अनुप्रवेशमाथि रोक लगाउने तथा यसले राज्यका मुल मालिक सिक्किमेलाई कमरा- कमारीको दर्जामा पुर्याइरहेको भए पनि राज्य सरकारले सिक्किमको अस्तित्व समाप्त गर्ने तत्वहरूलाई प्रश्रय दिएको दवी गरे। उनले भने सिक्किममा गरीबले अहिले 35 किलो बीपीएल चामल किन्न सक्ने स्थितिमा छैन तर यहाँ सिक्किम सब्जेक्ट नभएका बाहिरबाट आएकाहरूले एक नम्बर ठेकादार भएर अरबौं रूपियाँको ठेकादारी गर्दैछ।

गरीब जनताको हातमा काम नभएर आत्महत्या गर्दैछन्। सिक्किमको सबै आर्थीक व्यावस्था गैर सिक्किमेको हातमा दिएर वर्तमान एसडीएफ सरकारले जनतालाई मागी खाने र मधेशबाट आएका व्यापारीहरूको घरमा नोकर बनाएर राख्ने अवस्थामा पु्रय़ाएका आरोप लगाए। सिक्किमेलाई अब पनि सुरक्षीत पार्न नसकिए मणीपुर र नागाल्याण्डमा जस्तो बन्दुक उठाउने अवस्था यहाँ पनि सिर्जना हुन्छ, उनले थपे।

अर्कोतिर पार्टीका कोषाध्यक्ष दिल्ले नामग्याल काजीले आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा भने, जनता जाग्नु पर्छ। सिक्किम आमाको माटोको ऋण तिर्न अब सबै जनता सचेत भएर अब हक र अधिकार सुनिश्चित गराउ एक हुनु पर्छ। उनले अझ भने,हामीले सिक्किमको माटोको सुरक्षाको कुरा गर्दै छौं जनताको हक र हितको कुरा गर्दा बीबी गुरुङ जस्ता देश बेचुवाले हामीलाई देशद्रोही भन्छन्।

तर जनताले बुझ्नु पर्छ सिक्किममा सबै भन्दा पहिले भ्रष्टाचारको बीउ छर्ने बीबी गुरुङ हो। उनले राजाको पालामा पार्षद हुँदा पश्चिम सिक्किमको पक्की गाँउ पाठशालाको पैसा धाँधली गरेपछि सिक्किममा भ्रष्टाचार शुरु भएको हो। अब जनताको नाममा आएको पैसा सिक्किम कै जनताले पाउनु पर्छ भन्दा देशद्रोही र पृथकतावादी भन्ने कसैको अधिकार छैन्। उनले सिक्किमे जनतालाई सुभोकको बाँदरलाई जस्तै वर्तमान सरकारले मागी खाने बनाएको आरोप लगाए। सभालाई महासचिव टकेन्द्र शर्मा, एस टी भोटिया अनि अरूण पालले पनि सम्बोधन गरेका थिए।

Saturday, March 21, 2009

One evening at new Market,Gangtok

Khai Mitha Kura Gara Rat Tashay Dhalkindai Cha.............! Gaulay Bura haru M.G Marg ma Sajh Ko Ramilo Ma.

Mero Sikkim

Night View of Gangtok Town

Sikkim Flower Festival 2009,inaugurated

Gangtok March 21: Governor Mr. B.P Singh along with the First Lady Mrs. Karuna Singh formally inaugurated the Sikkim Flower Festival 2009 at White Memorial Hall Complex, organized by Sikkim Flower Festival Committee, Gangtok.

Mr. Singh and the First Lady along with the other dignitaries also visited the flower pavilion and the exhibits during the inaugural function.

“We‘re delighted to be here, inaugurating this orchid festival is a matter of joy having company of orchids is memory to be cherished, I thank the organizers for organizing this festival where flowers are smiling and one should hear them whisper to enrich one’s sense of beauty and living in harmony with nature” stated the Governor

Minister Horticulture Mr. Somnath Poudyal, Minister Mr. K.N Rai, M.P Mr. Nakul Das Rai, Chief Secretary Mr. N.D Chingapa, DGP Mr. C.M Ravindran, HODs of various department along with the students from the various schools from the capital attended the inaugural function.

The flower festival is also open for the general public to take a look at the exotic species of orchids and other flower in this exhibition.

Gandhi Shilpa Bazar, Inaugurated

Gangtok March 21: Sikkim Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd, like every year organized a Ghandhi Shilpa Bazaar at Kanchanjunga Shopping Complex here in the capital Chief Secretary Mr. N.D Chingapa officially, inaugurated 10days long Gandhi Silpha Bazaar by cutting the ribbon.

He also visited around 125 stalls displayed by the artist of different states of the country.

The Bazaar is sponsored by the Office of Development Commissioner Handicraft and Handloom, Ministry of Textile, Government of India.

Chief Secretary during his visit appreciated the work and display items and suggested that artists should maintain the originality of costumes and culture of different community of India with authenticity.

HODs of various departments and Director DHH along with Ms. N.L Pillai Dy Director North East region, Guwahati and Sr Asst Director Mr. V. Kumar from Guwahati representing from Ministry of Textile were also present on the inaugural function.

The Gandhi Silpha Bazaar also have 150 crafts persons from all over the country under one roof who are also giving live demonstrations of their skills.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Chang, Prabin And Prashant at Gangtok on Monday

No respite from forest fires for Sikkim

Gangtok, Mar 16 : There seems no respite from bush fires in Sikkim since the past five days with forest fires at six more areas of the State reported today.
The biggest of them all has been reported at Tareybhir under Fambong Lho Wildlife Sanctuary in East Sikkim.
Bush fires had been reported from this sanctuary at Tareybhir yesterday night.
According to forest officials, fires have erupted from various patches of this 51.76 sq. km sanctuary. The fire at the moment is limited to destroying ground grass and low lying trees. There has been no loss of wildlife so far.
Over fifty staff from forest department and members of EDCs and JFMCs along with local people and staff from fire services are battling to control this raging forest fire, it is informed.
Forest personnel have controlled the fire that took place at Assam Lingzey reserve forest and Ranka today.
However, they are still struggling to control the forest fires at Rangpo Sittey reserve forest and Pabing in South Sikkim.
Since last Friday, Sikkim has been reeling under a rash of forest fires thanks to continuous dry spell and human negligence and mischief.
Till today, the total of forest fires in Sikkim has reached almost 40 damaging hundreds of hectares of ground cover and low lying plants and trees.
Apart from reserve forests and private holdings, bush fires had also taken place at the famous Barsey Rhododendron Sanctuary where affecting around 200 hectares.

Congress promisesCongress promises seat reservation for Limboo-Tamang seat reservation for Limboo-Tamang

Geyzing ( West Sikkim), Mar 15 Congress today promised to reserve seats for Limboo and Tamang communities in the state legislature if comes to power in the coming assembly and Lok Sabha polls in Sikkim.
"The rightful claims of Limboo and Tamang communities would be considered by giving reservation in state legislature under ST category," Sikkim Pradesh Congress Committee (SPCC) President Nar Bahadur Bhandari said at a public meeting here.
Seeking to woo the voters of the two ST communities in Sikkim&aposs West district, former chief minister Bhandari asked Pawan Kumar Chamling-led Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) government to explain its failure to reserve seats for the two communities.
The SPCC president also promised to create more jobs and provide free and better healthcare at the doorstep across the state.
He also vowed to waive tax on Sikkimese people in a reference to the extension of Central direct taxes to the Himalayan state last year.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Total voters in Sikkim – 2,97580 , 8135 names deleted from East, 2183 names deleted from South

GANGTOK, March 14: State Election Office has completed the process of publication of State electoral rolls and the final total of voters stands at 2,97,580.

As per the official website of the State Election Office, a total of 8135 names have been deleted from the electoral rolls of East district with 1170 names deleted from the Gangtok (BL) constituency alone. Shyari (BL) constituency comes a close second with 1077 deletions and Khamdong-Singtam constituency stands at third with 869 deletions.

There have been 2,183 deletions of names from the electoral rolls in South district. Namthang-Rateypani has the highest deletion with 417 names in the South district
No information has been provided for West and North districts so far.
Meanwhile, the State Election Office is overseeing hectic preparations to conduct peaceful, free and fair elections for the Sikkim Legislative Assembly and for the lone Lok Sabha seat from the State.

Joint Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) CP Dhakal said that all the polling booths in the State have now been finalized. He said that the number of polling booths in the State has increased to 493 now which were 445 during the last election.

Process of publication of State electoral rolls has been completed while the appointment of Presiding and Polling Officers is going on, said Mr. Dhakal.

Training for Presiding Officer of South District will be held on the March 18 at Namchi.
Meanwhile, the EVMs which were destroyed in a fire in Gangtok recently have now been replaced by new ones.
The Joint CEO said that there is no dearth of EVMs in the State as 500 additional EVMs have been procured from Nagaland. He said that the first level checking of these new EVMs will start from Monday and will be undertaken by four engineers from the Kolkata office of the Electronic Corporation of India
A meeting of all political parties has been called at Chintan Bhawan in Gangtok on next Tuesday to discuss the election related issues.

SNPP charges election officials of flouting model code

Gangtok , Mar 13 The opposition Sikkim National People&aposs Party (SNPP) today charged the officials of the state election department of violating the model code of conduct by attending the"lavish"wedding ceremony of Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling&aposs eldest daughter at Namchi last night.

"The state election department officials have committed impropriety by attending the wedding function of the Chief Minister&aposs daughter and the same amounted to the violation of the model code of conduct," SNPP President Biraj Adhikari said in a statement here.

Even as the election process was underway in Sikkim, the officials of election department as also others were at attendance at the family function of Chamling, who also heads the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front, he said.

Adhikari asked Chamling to declare the expenses incurred on the wedding and sought to know if the amount will be included in election-related expenses of the ruling party.

The SNPP President said that his party has constituted a committee under working president Tseten Dorjee Lachungpa to inquire into the details of the attendence of government officials at the wedding held in Namchi, Chamling&aposs hometown in South District, last night.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sikkim Government organizes skiing training program to promotes tourism

Yumthang (North Sikkim), Mar 11 : The Sikkim Tourism Department (STD) has organised a 15-days basic course on snow skiing to promote tourism in the state.

The course is also aimed to generate employment opportunities for the local youths.

For the second consecutive year, with the help of Sikkim Tourism Department, the Sikkim Mountaineering Association (SMA) in association with Blue Sky Tours and Travels has organised this 15-day basic course on snow skiing for the educated and unemployed youth in the state.

The course, in which 25 youngsters are undergoing the art of skiing, was commenced on March 3 and it will culminate on March 16.

After the success of the skiing course, the Tourism Department is hopeful of enhancing the tourism potential in several other areas of the state as well.

If these youngsters properly learn skiing in Sikkim then there is a lot of scope in self employment. Last time when we organised seven to eight day course then we got a very good response from tourist. Even these guys can earn more than rupees 1000 a day. So I hope such course will give boost self-employment, Officer on Special Duty, Sikkim Tourism Department, Kazi Sherpa said.

The trainees at the camp are on high spirit after the completion of the course.

We can make our future in tourism by guiding tourists. We can also participate at the national Skiing championship as well,” said Mohan Vishwakarma, a trainee.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The principle of NCP is for creation of smaller States : Sangma

Jorethang (South Sikkim), March 9: NCP in charge for Northeastern States PA Sangma today said that party’s strength at the Parliament will be doubled this time.
The party will also be fielding 9 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections from the eight Northeast States.
Mr. Sangma’s daughter, Agatha Sangma has been retained by the party from the Tura constituency of Meghalaya.
“I will contest from the Tura seat where I had been the MP for the last 9 months”, said Miss Sangma.
Speaking to media here at Jorethang, Mr. Sangma said that the party will be putting candidates from Assam, Manipur, Meghayala, Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.
“I will also meeting the leaders of Kamtapur Peoples Party and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha at Siliguri tomorrow to explore the possibilities to put up NCP candidates from the three Lok Sabha constituencies of North Bengal”, said Mr. Sangma.
Regarding the questions where the party is in favour of Gorkhaland, Mr. Sangma said that NCP since its inception was in favour of creation of smaller States in the country.
“The principle of NCP is for creation of smaller States and I will be meeting the leaders of Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and Kamtapur Peoples Party tomorrow. Something definite will come out from tomorrow’s meeting”, said Mr. Sangma.

Rahul Gandhi on April 19, Sonia Gandhi on April 26

GANGTOK, March 9: AICC president Sonia Gandhi and general secretary Rahul Gandhi is set to visit Sikkim next month to woo the electorate here and supplementing Nar Bahadur Bhandari’s pitch for a Congress mandate in Sikkim in ‘national interest’.
While the Congress youth leader will be addressing a party meet at Paljor Stadium on April 19, Mrs. Gandhi will campaign in Sikkim on April 26.
The SPCC president indicated today in a press meet that a host of Central leaders including the above two star campaigners are set to descend in Sikkim to pitchfork the prospects of the party among the Sikkimese electorate.
“Both Mrs. Gandhi and her son agreed to my request to campaign in Sikkim”, said Mr Bhandari while launching the election campaign of SPCC during the party workers meeting at the party head office here at Gangtok.
The SPCC president linked national security with the outcome of the Assembly polls in Sikkim and appealed a mandate from the people in ‘national interest’ keeping in view of the strategic location of the Himalayan State.
“Sikkim's strategic location with three international borders surrounding it can be safeguarded properly only if the governments at the Centre and in the State share symmetry and in the border State's context the electorate must give a mandate to the Congress”, said Mr. Bhandari.
The party president claimed that Sikkim will get its maiden duly elected Congress government this time ever since it joined the Indian Union in 1975.
Congress led UPA retaining power in Centre is a foregone conclusion and now the onus lies on the Sikkimese people to restore democracy, a clean and transparent government in Sikkim, said Mr. Bhandari. He added that there is full support and blessing of Mrs. Gandhi to ensure Sikkim becomes a Congress State.
Earlier, addressing an impressive public meeting at the party office, the SPCC chief slammed the SDF government for ‘its failure in all fronts’. The poverty rate has gone up in the State while rural infrastructures are in shambles, he said. The Centre should send a fact finding team to assess the so-called developments in Sikkim during the 15 years of SDF government, he said.
On the electoral strategy for the assembly polls, Mr. Bhandari said that the Congress will launch a statewide campaign starting with a public meeting at Geyzing in West Sikkim on March 13.
Introducing the party candidates for the Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, Mr. Bhandari said that priority has been given to youth, educated, social, experienced and people friendly persons while ensuring representation to all the sections of the society in selection of candidates.
The party had already announced its candidates for 30 seats in the 32 seat Assembly.
Speaking on this context, Mr. Bhandari said that candidates from Rhenock, Chujachen and Temi-Tarku will be replaced by new candidates.
Congress Lok Sabha candidate KN.Upreti claimed that the Congress led UPA government is once again coming to power at the Centre. So a Congress government in the State with a Lok Sabha member too from the same party will be far more capable of facilitating necessary constitutional and legal amendments in the Parliament to meet out the pending issues, he said.
Congress Sangha candidate Acharya Tshering Lama claimed that the Roy Burman Commission Report is going to be suicidal for the SDF Party in the next elections as this is ‘divisive and anti-Sikkimese’ in nature.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ekta Puja at Kabi Longtsok

Puja for Peace and Harmoney of Sikkimese People organised by Youth of Sikkim

Water supply in Gangtok, ajoining areas disrupted

Gangtok,March 08: A vulnerable area around 100 m away from the Ratheychu water source located in the upper regions of East Sikkim sank in yesterday night snapping apart the main pipes and distributing the water supply to Gangtok.
The affected area is a sinking zone and had sunk in following a mild rainfall yesterday night.
Ratheychu located in upper regions is the only water source for Gangtok and adjoining regions. Around 36 million gallons of water from this source is distributed to the residents of Gangtok on a daily basis.
All the six main pipes have been damaged in the slide and the pipes are covered under huge rocks, said PS Basnet, secretary, State water security and public health engineering department.

Justice Saikia takes over as Sikkim HC Chief Justice

Gangtok, March 07: Justice Aftab Hussain Saikia on Saturday took over as the Chief Justice of Sikkim High Court.

Governor B.P. Singh administered the oath of office at a function held at Raj Bhawan this morning.

Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling, council of ministers and officials of the state government and Sikkim High Court were present at the swearing in ceremony.

Justice Saikia was the senior most judge of the Guwahati High Court.

Friday, March 6, 2009

UDF urges EC to take stern action against SDF

Gangtok, March 06:The United Democratic Front (UDF), a representative body of the Opposition parties, on Friday urged the Election Commission to take stern action against the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) for violating the model code of conduct by allegedly spending Rs. 5 crore on the foundation day celebrations of the ruling party two days ago.

The SDF spent over Rs. Five crore and mobilised about 10,000 vehicles for its foundation day function at Rangpo on March 4, 2009, which amounted to a flagrant violation of the model code of conduct put in place for the forthcoming assembly and parliamentary polls in Sikkim, the UDF Chief Coordinator K N Upreti said in a release on Friday.

Stating that the spending of public money and the use of official machinery and vehicles tantamounted to a clear violation of the model code of conduct, Upreti urged the Election Commission to take stern action against the ruling party for allegedly flouting the norms in this regard.

The UDF leader also alleged that the ruling party activists were defacing buildings by painting banners and posters of the SDF for electoral purposes, which he claimed, was yet another example of violation of the model code of conduct.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

India’s 29th State?

Subash Devkota
Nearly a quarter-century after the first movement, the renewed agitation for a Gorkhaland state has reawakened old hopesOn the afternoon of 5 January, the simmering politics of Darjeeling were set aboil by the news that Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJMM, Gorkha People’s Liberation Front) President Bimal Gurung, accompanied by five supporters, had suddenly left the hills for New Delhi. This news was especially unexpected because a 17-member team, led by Front General-Secretary Roshan Giri, had returned to Darjeeling just three days earlier after holding a second round of trilateral talks with the Centre and the West Bengal government in New Delhi. Neither Gurung nor Giri had indicated that a third round was imminent. After holding informal discussions with senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders in New Delhi, Gurung himself spoke to the media on 7 January, clearing up the mystery. “We have come to thank the BJP for their support for a separate Gorkhaland,” he said, “and to ask the other parties for their support.” No trilateral talks had taken place.
The Morcha, which has said it plans to establish a new state of Gorkhaland by March 2010, is proceeding with a two-pronged strategy of dialogue and agitation. In the current context, the party leadership understands the importance of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections – which must take place by this May – and the government that is formed thereafter, in deciding the future of Gorkhaland. In light of this reality, Giri’s statement that Gurung and his team travelled to New Delhi “to try and secure a two-thirds vote for Gorkhaland in the post-election Parliament” is quite believable. But considering the large number of Nepali speakers in the Darjeeling Hills and the Duars, some suggest that Gurung may have been negotiating with the national parties, promising to deliver a substantial Nepali-speaking vote in return for support for Gorkhaland.
Meanwhile, closer to home, the pressure remained high. From 7-27 January, as a part of its agitation strategy, the Morcha forced the closure of government offices in Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong. On the other hand, in the Siliguri plains and the Duars, the agitation has been unable to achieve similar results. However, there have been clashes between Morcha supports and other communities, with police often called upon to control the situation. In fact, four people were killed in the Duars in early February during one such quarrel.

New idol
Under Subash Ghising’s leadership, the first Gorkhaland movement began in 1988, lasting for 28 months and claiming 1300 lives. That this agitation ended with the creation of the Ghising-headed Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC), with its limited administrative powers, left not only the Nepali speakers of Siliguri and the Duars (who were not included in the DGHC) dissatisfied, but also those in Darjeeling itself. In his 21 years as the DGHC supremo, Ghising never once raised the demand for Gorkhaland, despite public promises to do so. Instead, he went so far as to accept the central and state governments’ offer to implement the Sixth Schedule, the controversial provision of the Indian Constitution that deals with devolution and autonomy. The Sixth Schedule had already been proven ineffectual in several states of the Northeast.
Ghising’s decline and the parallel rise of the Morcha and Bimal Gurung were the result of two factors. First, Ghising’s decision to accept Sixth Schedule status for the DGHC created an atmosphere of opposition in Darjeeling. Second, Ghising misjudged the public mood when Darjeeling united in its support for Prashant Tamang, the Indian citizen of Nepali origin who ultimately won the 2007 season of “Indian Idol”. Ghising not only ignored those supporting Tamang, but mocked the entire vote-by-SMS system, saying “A medal cannot be bought; it must be won.” In contrast, Gurung and his supporters worked tirelessly to ensure a win for Tamang.
Gurung had been a supporter of Ghising since 1986, in addition to being an elected councillor on the Hill Council. But after seeing the political climate turn against Ghising, he established his own party, the GJMM, in October 2007. Thereafter, the people’s belief in the Morcha and Gurung was heightened by two factors. First, just five months after the party was established, it was able to make the implementation of the Sixth Schedule – which the Lok Sabha was on the verge of accepting – into a pending matter through agitation at home and negotiation in New Delhi. And second, it was able to remove Ghising from his longtime post on the DGHC.
Gurung may come across as less than intellectual, but he remains the single most influential of the GJMM leaders. And for its part, the GJMM’s agitations have reawakened long-dormant hopes of a separate Gorkhaland state within the Republic of India. Under Gurung’s leadership, the ongoing agitation has been posited as different from that of 1986-88, particularly in its presentation as a democratic and Gandhi-esque non-violent endeavour. As a consequence, the adamantly anti-Gorkhaland Calcutta government has been unable to find sufficient reason to suppress the agitation.
In Siliguri and the Duars plains, where the Nepali-speaking population is a minority, the Morcha has also attempted to bring other communities into the Gorkhaland movement. According to Siliguri-based journalist Ashok Prashant, this effort has secured the agitation the silent support of resident Bengali intellectuals. (A notable exception, though, remains the refugees who entered the area after the creation of Bangladesh in 1971.) In the Duars, Sadri speakers – the largest tribe in the area, originally from Jharkhand – have tossed their lot behind the Gorkhaland demand. Indeed, two such tribal leaders were part of the team that travelled to New Delhi for trilateral talks in late December.
At the same time, however, while the Morcha has tried to conduct a non-violent and non-communal agitation, some groups from the Bengali community have been accused of instigating communal activities in the bazaars of Siliguri and the Duars. This has dangerously increased the likelihood of ethnic clashes in the plains. These groups, which are said to have the blessings of the long-ruling Communist Party of India (Marxist), have adopted a strategy of planning actions to coincide with the rallies and meets called by the Morcha. This alleged effort to instigate communal violence has, however, been unsuccessful. Whenever such a clash has seemed likely, the Morcha has called off its programmes.
This is a critical decision, says the vice-chancellor of Sikkim University, Mahendra P Lama. “The agitation for a separate Gorkhaland can reach fruition only if it be kept from becoming communal,” he said. “If the West Bengal government is successful in its attempt to excite the agitation into communalism, the movement will not receive any sympathy from the Centre.” Instead of using ethnicity and language to build broad-based support for Gorkhaland in the plains, Lama says, the movement should take up a slogan of social and economic progress. Indeed, the idea of a separate state where the local population can progress is likely to be attractive to the plains people, whose concerns have not seemed a priority for the Calcutta government.

Historical legacy
In the Darjeeling Hills, Nepali speakers account for 90 percent of the one million-strong population. On the other hand, in Siliguri, which has a population of around 850,000, there are only 100,000 Nepali speakers. Similarly, in the adjacent Duars, there are 300,000 Nepali speakers in a total population of 800,000. Based on these figures, the Nepali-speaking population would not be an absolute majority in the area that is proposed for Gorkhaland. But this is nonetheless the area being demanded by the movement, because both Siliguri and the Duars have both been historically linked to the hills. Furthermore, in practical terms, Gorkhaland would start life economically crippled without a section in the plains.
In 1835, the seventh king of Sikkim gave Darjeeling and Kurseong to the British for purposes of ‘rest and relaxation’. A century later, when India gained Independence, there was confusion as to exactly who ruled the area. In this vein, Nepali-speakers subsequently argue that the area was not a part of West Bengal before 1947. Furthermore, according to resident Badrinarayan Pradhan, the British rented Kalimpong and the Duars from Bhutan. Indeed, it is said that India itself used to pay Bhutan a yearly fee for the area. Further south, the Siliguri area is said to have been cleared and resettled by Nepali-speakers. The Morcha has marshalled this history during negotiations with Calcutta and the Centre.
Local observers are optimistic about the creation of Gorkhaland for a number of other reasons, including geo-strategic positioning. First, they claim the new state would effectively prevent the entrance of Bangladeshi refugees into India, a good way to endear Gorkhaland to New Delhi policymakers. Second, with the demand for the creation of smaller states (for instance, Uttaranchal and Jharkhand) having been fulfilled in the last decade, there is less reason now to deny the creation of Gorkhaland than when Ghising was demanding it. Finally, the demand for Gorkhaland is based on the same principle – that of having an administrative area based on ethnic/tribal/linguistic lines – that New Delhi has long accepted for the Northeast. Mahendra Lama also believes that the fact that the Gorkhaland movement revived after 23 years only goes to show that the demand had never truly died. The Gorkhaland dream could also come true, he continues, as a result of the Centre’s desire to prevent disruption in the sensitive ‘chicken’s neck’ area linking the Indian mainland to the Northeast.
Still, many locals believe that the chances of either the state government or the Centre acceding to demands for Gorkhaland remain slim. This is because of the many undercurrents and demands that would come to the fore once it became clear that New Delhi was positive on the demand. Besides, Calcutta’s bickering politicians would likely unite on this one agenda. On the other hand, there are many who believe that parties such as the BJP, which seeks to weaken the understanding that has been held for a long time between the CPI (M) and New Delhi, will extend their support to Gorkhaland. If the CPI (M) remains an influential actor in New Delhi following the Lok Sabha elections scheduled for April-May, the Gorkhaland movement will have to bear with unfavourable opposition. But if the BJP were to score well, things would possibly be more congenial.
Those in the movement, meanwhile, maintain that regardless of what kind of government is formed in the power capital post-May, they will step up pressure to bring the agitation to its logical conclusion. One of the Morcha’s pressure tactics includes asking the state assemblies in the 22 states with significant Nepali-speaking populations to pass bills in support of Gorkhaland. As a less extreme alternative, these states could be asked to pass bills simply saying that the creation of Gorkhaland would not have any negative consequence.
Even if Gorkhaland is created, most believe that the new state will probably not encompass an area as large as the one demanded by the Morcha. They state that as the agitation reaches a decisive stage, the Morcha will have to make some compromises. The belief is that, of the 48 wards in the Siliguri municipality, the Morcha will have to be satisfied with getting some seven wards that lie north of the Mahananda River. In the Duars, the Morcha may have to be content with even less, getting only the Mal-mateli and Islampur areas. As the election fever builds countrywide, it remains to be seen whether the GJMM and its leader are able to maintain the kind of momentum needed to use the election outcome in the battle of mind and territory with Calcutta.

212 EVMs damaged in fire in Gangtok

Gangtok March 03: m A major fire gutted 212 electronic voting machines (EVMs) kept in a strongroom inside the Paljor Stadium in Sikkim.

A total of 212 EVMs worth Rs 24 lakh, meant for use in the April 30 Lok Sabha polls to be held simultaneously with the assembly polls, were damaged in the blaze which broke out due to a short circuit on Monday midnight, the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) T T Dorjee told Media here.

The EVMs, badly damaged in the flames, would be replaced, he said. The remaining EVMs, kept in other strong rooms, have been shifted to the office premises of the District Collector (DC), East.

A magisterial inquiry has been ordered into the incident to be conducted by the Additional District Magistrate (ADM) Yashoda Bhandari who will submit a report within seven days, the CEO said.

The power department officials, fire brigade and police authorities have also been asked to submit their report in the matter.

A group of school students from Sikkim call on Chidambaram

Gangtok,March 03:A group of school students from the border State of Sikkim met the Union Home Minister Shri P.Chidambaram today. The Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) had arranged an excursion of these students under the civic action and border area development programme. In his interaction, Shri P.Chidambaram exhorted the students to work hard, study well and enter the various disciplines of public life and be an instrument in elevating the State of Sikkim and the country to higher level of development.

The students shared their experiences with the Home Minister and sought his esteemed advice.

DG ITBP, Shri Vikram Srivastava introduced these Boys with Home Minister. He said “Today’s interaction will definitely have a permanent inspiring effect on these Boys. I hope this will help in shaping the destiny of these fortunate Boys.” DG ITBP informed that such tour of students will continue from remote villages of border area of North-East Region. (PIB)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Gangtok 28 Feb:Bhumi Pujan ceremony was held today at Pakyong, East district of Sikkim which was attended by the Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim, Shri B P Singh, Union Minister of State ( Independent Charge) for Civil Aviation Shri Praful Patel and Chief Minister of Sikkim Dr Pawan Kumar Chamling.

Airport Authority of India has taken up this project at Pakyong in Sikkim, which is 30 km from the capital Gangtok, for operation of ATR 72 type of aircraft. The development works include construction of New Terminal Building, runaway and apron with link taxi-track, fire station, technical block-cum-control tower and other associated works at an estimated cost of Rs 310 crores.

Addressing the gathering, Union Minister of State ( Independent Charge) for Civil Aviation, Shri Praful Patel said that after the airport at Pakyong is operative, it is expected that the number of tourists in Sikkim will grow further. He also said, not only that, this airport can be used for sending its perishable products which requires urgent transportation to other parts of the country as well as abroad. He also assured that constant monitoring will be done to complete this project with the time frame.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister of Sikkim Pawan Kumar Chamling hoped that this will solve the issue of road blockade due to landslide during rainy season and other causes. With the construction of airport at Pakyong, sector like tourism and floriculture will get a major boost. He assured full co-operation from State Government in this matter.

The Chief Guest, Hon’ble Governor of Sikkim Shri B P Singh speaking on the occasion said the State with three international frontiers is connected to the nearest railroad and airport in West Bengal by a single lane National Highway 31 A which is often closed by landslides during the monsoons and frequent political disturbances in the neighbouring areas outside Sikkim. Now with the construction of a Green Field Airport at Pakyong people from Gangtok especially for those who are going and coming for education, medical treatment, pilgrimage etc will be benefited. He also said that tourism which is crucial for employment and revenue generation in Sikkim will get a boost.

Among others, the Speaker of Sikkim Legislative Assembly, Shri D N Thakarpa, Minister for Water Security and Public Health Engineering and Transport, Shri Menlom Lepcha and officials from Central and State Government were also present on the occasion. (PIB)