
Saturday, February 7, 2009

ACT activist demolished a temporary shed of Panan hydel power project

Gangtok, Feb 07: Frustrated local youths from Dzongu under the banner of Affected Citizens of Teesta (ACT) demolished a temporary shed of Panan hydel power project employees today at Rongyong in Dzongu, North Sikkim as the relay hunger strike of the anti-hydel project body entered its 600th day.
Other project related items were also vandalized.
Around 50 youths including several ladies waving ACT flags and 'anti-hydel' banners had taken out a rally in the Dzongu area on the 600th day of its ongoing relay hunger strike here at BL house.
The ACT rally reached Rongyong dam site of the proposed 280 MW Panan hydel power project near Lingzay when some of its members tore apart the provisional shelter of the project labourers. The labourers were also told to leave the site as they had 'illegally' stayed back, it is informed.
Today's incident marks the growing unrest and frustrations among the ACT youths over the inaction from the government side over their agitation against the controversial Panan project.

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